MCFC, ‘Tis the Season, a lost ID, lost power, and lost my mind

This weekend was nuts. But let’s ease into it with a picture of Luna.

Friday was a normal Friday at work, just steadily busy, until around 2 it was like the world went mad and like 10 hectic problems developed at once. And I had to leave on time because I was on a tight schedule. I ended up leaving about 5 minutes late, not terrible. Headed on out to pick up Kevin…

Then home to put on my makeup and costume for the first performance of our church play (‘Tis the Season). As soon as Chase got home we went up to the church to start setting up. I parked Kevin in the front row so he could watch, and somehow no matter where I peeked out from backstage, he always saw me and waved. Even when I laid on the floor and looked under the backdrop.

So that night, the first act went smoothly but then the second act totally fell apart. I don’t have many lines but I sit onstage at a desk the entire time, so I had a script up there with me and I was pushing pages across over to Jean because the entire explanation of scene 2 was getting skipped. She managed to get a couple of lines in to try to make it make some sense.

Because so much got skipped we got out of there way earlier than we expected. Went home and I got our costumes ready for Saturday.

Saturday morning we got up, ate some breakfast, and started getting ready for MCFC!

I wore Bespin Leia, Kevin opted for Harry Potter. He almost wore his 11th Doctor, but was worried no one would know who he was, so he went for recognizable.

MCFC has a new location this year – the new Graceland Guest House hotel. It was super pretty!

It was really fun to have a new hotel to look around. Kevin liked the lobby chairs.

I liked this wallpaper.

Took some pics…

And of course there must be Boomerangs.

After we finished shopping and looking around we headed on out to get lunch and get changed.
Before we did we found this awesome staircase to take some pics on.

These amazing blue velvet curtains I wanted to keep.

I am ensconced in velvet

Picked up lunch and while we were in the car, I happened to look down at my sleeve and noticed a thread sticking out of the seam by my elbow. I looked closer and the outer layer of silk is coming undone at three places along the seam. WTF. One is in a stress point (elbow) but two aren’t. All I can guess is that I trimmed too close. Going to try to fix it but they’re already pretty tight as is – so I jumped online and quickly went ahead and ordered another yard just to have in case I need it. That’s pretty frustrating.

It was Super windy out that afternoon so I took some pics of Kevin with his cape fluttering in the wind before he changed.

At the con I got a mini Pop Crow to go with Tom Servo.

AND found a dealer who had some of the Star Wars Disney infinity figures for sale, so I completed my trio:

Also got a Boba Fett but he doesn’t go.

Then it turned COLD. Kevin and I went back outside again a while later to try to take some more silly pictures, but the temp had dropped significantly… and the wind was still blowing like crazy. Realized the umbrella on our patio table was about to blow away, so Kevin and I grabbed it and took it into the garage.

Then we got into costume for the second performance of the play, got Kevin loaded up and ready to take him home. We’d left his wallet on the table and Chase had just put his ID in his pocket for the con, and I asked Chase to give it back so i could put it back in his wallet…. and he couldn’t find it. It wasn’t in his pants pockets, his jacket pockets, his own wallet, the car, any of the bags… nowhere. CRAP.

So we had to take him home without it and tell his parents we’d lost it. :\ Then we had to go do the second performance of the play.

(Dad up in the balcony running sounds):

Thankfully performance #2 was WAY better than the first night. We all went out to dinner afterwards and then went home… and as soon as we turned on our street things looked weird. The street lights were off on our side but not on the other. Yep the wind had knocked the power out, but only for our side of the block – just 4 houses. Chased called MLGW and reported it, the phone system told us it’d gone out a little before 7 that night. We’ve never had an outage be very long, so we just went ahead and went to bed (we were exhausted anyway).

Like I said the temp dropped on Saturday a lot. So Sunday morning it was freezing out… and freezing in the house because the power never came back on overnight, so no heater. We got on up, got dressed, went and got breakfast and drove the 25 minutes back down to the Graceland Guest House to see if anyone had turned in Kevin’s ID. It was way warmer in the car than our house, and we could charge our phones, so it was much more pleasant than the house at that point, LOL.

No luck on his ID though. Nobody had turned it into hotel staff or con staff. Chase left his name and number if anyone found it.
I told Chase MCFC must be cursed for us. I lost my iphone there last year (never got it back), and now we lost Kevin’s ID there. In my 20 years of going to cons, I have never lost anything at a convention before this — and now 2 years running, same con, we manage to lose two very important things?!?!

We headed back home to see if the power was back… no luck. But as soon as we sat down Chase’s phone rang — someone had found Kevin’s ID and turned it in!!!!! YES! Soooooo we loaded back up in the car and drove the 25 minutes back down to Graceland again, LMAO. But we were so relieved it was found we didn’t mind.

After our second trip Chase dropped me off back at home, and went to take Kevin’s ID back to him. I took a nap (piled under 20 blankets). Once Chase got back home he suggested we just go see Justice League, so we did.

I went in with very tempered expectations…. and I enjoyed it. Was it perfect? No. But it was a lot of fun and I’d go see it again. Wonder Woman was great of course, but also really enjoyed Aquaman and the Flash.

It was about 4 by then so we went back home… and the POWER WAS FINALLY BACK ON!!! So just a couple of hours under being out for a full day.

It totally threw off all of our Sunday plans, though. I had planned to get my Leia dress FINISHED yesterday, but with no power obviously I couldn’t sew (and I’m not about to handsew a Leia dress.) I couldn’t do all the laundry I’d been planning on getting caught up. But once we got home we scrambled and did some house cleaning, got some laundry in, and ended up just getting Taco Bell for dinner because we were both tired. Bleh.

So after dinner I did get a little work on Leia done.

But none of it was very interesting – I was mostly getting the hems pinned together and that took about an hour and a half of smoothing, pinning, flipping it, putting it on to check, marking problems, flipping it back, repinning…
But I think I finally got it all even and smooth and tonight I’ll get them sewn up, and the sleeves too. Then maybe tomorrow hood and collar. So I won’t be too far off my schedule.

Next weekend is a 4 day weekend for us… YAY. I’m going to run to Tandy to get some new leather for my belt. But that’s like, my only plan for the entire weekend. Maybe go to Joann’s and see if they have anything I want to use coupons on…

Anyway, I dumped all of my photos from this weekend into one gallery — HERE and there’s a few more con photos in there that I didn’t post here for anybody curious.